Wednesday, February 16, 2011

#2: Social Networking: More than Just a Way to Keep Tabs on Your Friends (LIS5937: Info. Lit.)

Throughout this semester I have encountered many different types of Web technology, through the 23 Things on a Stick program I've been co-developing at the USF Library (see About Me section) and for this class. It's astounding how many options Web 2.0 tools present to libraries when it comes to offering services, marketing, and much more. Blogs, wikis, social networking applications, podcasts,'s endless! All of these tools can benefit libraries and librarians in so many different ways.

Here is the first tool I decided to look into more, regarding the applications in the library profession.

Social Networking: Social networking sites such as Facebook can be used in several different ways in libraries. Librarians can create their own page on Facebook and use it to reach out to their patrons. The page can be structured in such a way that it is there for people to ask questions, perhaps look at the librarian's list of recommended books, find helpful links, and more. Or a library can have a Facebook page to reach younger patrons in an environment they spend a lot of time in. The page can have a link to the library's website, have basic information about the library's location, hours, services, helpful links, videos, and more.

Here are some examples of the application of social networking in libraries:

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