Thursday, December 2, 2010

It's not about shelving books...

I am amazed at how uninformed many people are about libraries and the role they play today. Are libraries/librarians going away? Nope! The role of the traditional librarian is giving way to the dynamic new role of information specialist. School librarians are now teacher librarians. All librarians are tasked with the challenge of promoting information literacy. In an increasingly digital world, many individuals are lacking knowledge regarding the process of obtaining reliable information on the Web and elsewhere. In the same way that many people believe what they see on TV, many believe much of what they find on the Internet. One of the many roles that librarians play is to help people wade through the plethora of information resources that exist in the world today and to help equip them with the skills needed to distinguish between resources that are questionable and those which are authoritative and reliable. And the list goes on...

Check it out: